HOWTO become a NO-body
Hey! This is the 1 thing you need to do to be happy.
I heard that you want to make a graduation project
Congratulations!, you’re almost there. That’s your final college project but you have no clue what to do, most of us (me included) want to make something fancy and cool, some of us just want to get the hell out of here.
The skills beyond CS that CS grads need
My technical skills are high, I’ll get a great job. NO! that won’t happen, here’s why
Stuck with bugs before a deadline?
NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundException and program crashes love first year students but they can’t love them back especially when a deadline is close.
Do children exist when they're young?
Children exist when they’re young!, I was impressed when I noticed that too, but we’re talking about two different things so let me clarify.